Women's Super League-Dmart 2022/23
Final. The second game
Chernivtsi Arena "PVLU". March 31, 2023
SC "Prometey" — "Dobrodiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM" 3-0 (25:18, 25:10, 25:16)
The Prometey players demonstrated true professionalism and dedication in the second Super League-Dmart final match against Dobrodiy. After all, already having one victory in their active, they still did not loosen their grip. This helped them double their lead in the series.
The teams actively started this match, showing good speeds. The starting excitement was also perceptible, which, in particular, affected the serves. However, the athletes overcame it very quickly and began to exchange high-quality attacks alternately - 6:6, 8:8.
For a long time, none of the teams managed to break away from the opponent by more than two points. At the same time, in the first half of the set, "Prometey" was in the lead. Later, the Vinnytsia team gradually seized the initiative. And after the spike by Anastasiia Malysheva and the errors of Oleksandra Milenko in the attack, "Dobrodiy" issued a three-point handicap in general - 13:16.
However, soon the player of the "red and whites" made up for her mistakes: first, she successfully completed one of the combinations, and then she scored a series of successful serves, earning several aces in a row. Yuliia Yakusheva's team, on the other hand, made a lot of mistakes, which ultimately cost them the set - 25:18.
In the second set, Ivan Petkov's team immediately began to force events on the court. The reigning champions did not forgive their rivals for gaps in the defense. In addition, they showed excellent organization on the block - 14:5. Well, from then on everything went, as they say, how It was set - 25:10.
The next segment of the confrontation, taking into account the previous two, also ended as predicted, namely with the victory of "Prometey". The "Dobrodiy" tried to fight for every ball, somewhere forgetting about the score on the scoreboard. This tactic worked for less than half of the set — 25:16.
So, the Kamianske team doubled their advantage in the series against the players from Vinnytsia. After that, the clubs will have a short break before the decisive game.
"Dobrodiy-Meduniversitet-ShVSM": Yakusheva (k) (9), Dehtiarova (6), Kucher (9), Zavala (1), Malysheva (3), Kovalchuk, Rotar (l) — starting line-up; Kalanchuk, Vabishchevych, Kryva (2), Tantserova (1), Lyzanets — were substitutes.
SC "Prometey": Maievska (7), Milenko (10), Sharhorodska (maiden name Velykokon) (4), Artyshuk (14), Khober (8), Dorsman (k) (10), Niemtseva (l) — starting line-up; Karasiova was a substitute.